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December 7, 2020
Family, we are in the last month the year, and what a year it has been! In the midst of unprecedented times, our faith has been tested, but the God that we serve continues to remain true to His word. As individuals, and a collective family, God has sustained us; and now more than ever, I encourage you to continue to hold strong to your faith, and stay confident that God will see us through.
As the year comes to a close, and Covid-19 cases continue to rise at a deadly rate in Shelby County, effectively immediately, all church activities and services, including our 8am and 10am in-person Sunday Service, Christmas Day Service, New Year’s Eve Service, as well as the previously schedule Black Table Talk Panel Sessions, are postponed until further notice. Through prayer and supplication, I have made the difficult decision to return to exclusively virtual worship, this includes Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, in order to ensure the safety of all of our members and guest. We hope that you will join us every Sunday Morning, at 8am, via our social and digital platforms for a full worship experience. We invite you to stay connected by subscribing and following our social and digital media platforms:
The Greater New Liberty Staff and I will be actively monitoring COVID-19 developments, to ensure we are making the best decisions for the well-being of all of our church and community leaders; in accordance with the Word of our God. During this time, you can be confident that we will be in close communication with you, the Greater New Liberty Church body, with any develops and updates on behalf of the church.
Lib, on behalf of myself and First Lady Shack, I want to thank you for your continuous prayer and devotion to the ministry. I am comforted daily by the many calls, text, and emails from my members, who simply take the time to check on your Pastor and my family. Family, be encouraged! I know what it looks like, but be assured in the omniscient power of our God to protect us, and provide for us during this global pandemic. In times such as these, I am reminded of the grace, described by Paul in I Timothy 1:14, “And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.”; and it is in His grace that our faith must rely.
I ask that you heed to the recommendations from health authorities, and follow the instructions they have provided to the general public to help ensure safety during this pandemic. Please wear a mask when out in public, wash your hands efficiently and often, and consider the elderly and sick when potentially exposing yourself and others to this infectious disease.
I thank you for your understanding and kindness as we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times. I encourage us to continue to be a giving church during this time, and I ask that you adopt a Senior Angel by contacting the church today! Please continue to pray for our nation, our leaders, and each other. May God continue to bless each and every one of you and your families. And remember, we must always… Trust God And Never Doubt.
Abundant Blessings,
Dr. Darrell K. Shack, Sr., Pastor
June 2, 2020
For months now, we have practiced social distancing and communed with each other from a far, virtually. I know that for some of you, this transition in life has challenged you physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and even spiritually. As your Pastor, I am no exception. I have missed you all tremendously, and I have missed fellowshipping in God’s house together. Between the Covid-19 crisis and the current racial climate of our Country, as your Pastor, it is not only my job to pray for you in such times as these, but to focus on what direction God would lead us as a church family. This shift, our “new norm”, has tested the very foundation of what we know as customary in life and church; but I want you to be encouraged. Know that God is still in control!
The time has now come where we can once again fellowship with each other, with restrictions. I am aware that some will not agree with this decision, and while I respect your opinion and even your concern, Lib, you know my saying; “Once I hear from God, I counsel with man no more.” This being said, Lib, I ask that you cooperate with the procedures that have been set forth to enter the church. The staff has put these procedures in place with safety in mind.
As we return back to church on this upcoming Sunday, June 7, 2020, we will host two services: 8:00AM and 10:00AM. Please plan to arrive 30 minutes before service begins to provide additional time for entrance safety procedures. Only 175 disciples, excluding deacons, ERT (Emergency Response Team), and staff will enter the building. You are required to have a mask to enter the building, and it must remain on at all times throughout the service. There will be only be two entrances to the building: The Main Entrance facing Raines Road by the parking lot, and the Side Entrance facing Neely Road. Upon entering the building, each individual’s temperature will be checked, safety questions asked, and hand sanitizer dispersed. When entering the sanctuary by section, each pew is marked off 6ft apart to ensure social distancing. Please do not adjust markings or placement of your seat. Men and women rest rooms near the TGAND Bookstore will be unlocked for use. Outside of the entrances, sanctuary, and restrooms, no one is permitted in any other part of the building. Upon exiting the sanctuary and leaving the building, a person from the ministerial staff will be on the microphone to dismiss individuals section by section. Please proceed out of the building orderly and swiftly to ensure that the next service has time to enter.
Lib, I am asking for your complete cooperation as we do everything in our power to keep you safe while in the building. If you experiencing any symptoms PLEASE consider others and stay at home. We will continue to Live Stream our Sunday Morning Worship at 8AM and 10AM; and we will continue having Wednesday Night Bible Study virtually until further notice. We invite you to stay connected by subscribing and following our social and digital media platforms for updates and live services:
The GNL Staff and the Emergency Response Team will continue to actively monitor the COVID-19 Coronavirus developments, to ensure we are making the best decisions for the well-being of our members and community; in accordance with the Word of God. We will be in close communication with our local health and government authorities, as well as provide you, the Greater New Liberty Church family, with any updates on behalf of the church.
Lib, I want to personally thank you for your prayers, understanding, and cooperation during this time. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I want you to remember that our God is able! We are a family, and we will continue to get through this together. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever more; and we must trust that He will continue to sustain us and see us through.
Again, I sincerely ask that you listen to the staff we will have in place when you arrive Sunday. We need your cooperation in following the mandates and procedures set forth. I thank you for your understanding as we navigate these uncharted waters. Please continue to pray for our nation, our leaders, and our church family. May God continue to bless and keep each of you, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday with smiles on your face and worship in your hearts. And remember… Trust God And Never Doubt.
Abundant Blessings,
Dr. Darrell K. Shack, Sr., Pastor
March 20, 2020
In times such as these, it is important that we hold true to our faith and remain confident in the God that we serve. TGAND (Trust God And Never Doubt) is much more than our church motto, but it is a lifestyle we are committed to live by in our daily lives. I encourage you to hold steadfast in your faith, and know that our God will see us through.
We wanted to let you know how Greater New Liberty will be proactively responding to the COVID-19 Coronavirus in the immediate future. In light of the global and local precautions for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and to ensure we are adhering to the direction of our health and local government authorities, effective immediately, all church activities and services, including our Sunday and Wednesday Night Bible Services, are postponed until further notice. In order to ensure the safety of all of our members, we will host Sunday and Wednesday night service via Live Stream. We hope that you will join us on this upcoming Sunday Morning at 10am via our social and digital platforms for an abbreviated service with Pastor and Staff. We invite you to stay connected by subscribing and following our social and digital media platforms:
· Facebook:
· Periscope:
· Web:
· Instagram:
The Greater New Liberty Staff will be actively monitoring the COVID-19 Coronavirus developments, to ensure we are making the best decisions for the well-being of our members and community; in accordance with the Word of God. We will be in close communication with our local health and government authorities, as well as provide you, the Greater New Liberty Church family, with any updates on behalf of the church.
Lib, I want to personally thank many of you for reaching out and checking on your Pastor, my family, and other disciples of our church. We are a family, and we will get through this together. This is not the first time that a global pandemic has hit the world, and just as our God kept us then, he will continue to keep us now. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever more; and we must trust that He will see us through.
I ask that you listen to health authorities and the instructions that they have provided for the general public. Continue to only go out when necessary, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more, sanitize heavily “high touched” areas around your home and work, and if you are having any symptoms of fever or cough consult a medical physician right away.
I thank you for your understanding as we navigate these uncharted waters. Please continue to pray for our nation, our leaders, and our church family. May God continue to bless and keep each of you. And remember… Trust God And Never Doubt.
Abundant Blessings,
Dr. Darrell K. Shack, Sr., Pastor